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Tips for keeping your pets cool in the hot weather!

All dogs and cats can suffer from heat stroke, but overweight, thick coated breeds, flat faced (brachycephalic) breeds (such as Pugs, French Bulldogs or Persian Cats), old or very young, or those with pre-existing illness are at the greatest risk and need to take extra care.

Tips for keeping your pets cool:

  • Avoid walking your dogs in the heat of the day and keep their activity to a minimum.
  • Care to avoid hot pavements, as this can lead to burnt paws.
  • We all know the saying ‘dogs die in hot cars’. Never leave your dog in a stationary car in hot weather.
  • Keep your dog in a cool, well ventilated, shady area or room.
  • Ensure they always have access to fresh water.
  • Pouring cold water over them can help to cool them but do not leave wet, cold towels stationary on them as this can quickly warm up and trap the heat.
  • Be wary of fake news circulating the internet, always use a credible source for advice!
  • Signs of heatstroke include restlessness, weakness, lethargy, drooling or excessive panting.

Contact your Vet for advice if you have any concerns, as heatstroke is a medical emergency and prompt treatment saves lives.

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